Here is the code for my fire, this fire effect is not to robust really, I need to do a little more work on it so I can have true volumetric fire, also I don't like the multi mesh approach I am using either so will probably play with the shader to get it to run on a single mesh. In short I am not happy with it yet, but I am posting it here so you can at least see what it does and it might give you some ideas of how to do your own. When I started out playing with this shader my knowledge of shaders was very limited, now I have a bit more experience I will more than likely improve on this, if I do I will post it her.
So, the code...
public class RCLayeredFire : RCObject, IRCChildRenderer, IRCLoadable
public bool Colapsed;
private RCModel[] flame;
private RCModel[] flame2;
private string flameModelAsset;
private string flameTextureAsset;
private int flameLayers;
private float animSpeed;
private float tick;
private float flameOffset;
private Vector3 camerasLastPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0);
private Texture2D flameTexture;
public float AnimationSpeed
get { return animSpeed; }
set { animSpeed = value; }
public float FlameOffSet
get { return flameOffset; }
set { flameOffset = value; }
public RCLayeredFire(string modelAsset,string textureAsset,int layers,string Name) : base(Name)
flameModelAsset = modelAsset;
flameTextureAsset = textureAsset;
flameLayers = layers;
flame = new RCModel[flameLayers];
flame2 = new RCModel[flameLayers];
base.Rotate(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), MathHelper.PiOver2);
for (int f = 0; f < flameLayers; f++)
flame[f] = new RCModel(flameModelAsset, "flame" + f.ToString());
flame[f].Rotation = myRotation;
flame2[f] = new RCModel(flameModelAsset, "flame" + f.ToString());
flame2[f].Rotation = myRotation;
flame2[f].Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), MathHelper.Pi);
public void LoadGraphicsContent(GraphicsDevice myDevice, ContentManager myLoader)
flameTexture = myLoader.Load<Texture2D>(flameTextureAsset);
for (int f = 0; f < flameLayers; f++)
flame[f].Rotation = myRotation;
// Now collapsed to a sigle position to ease rotation.
flame[f].Position = new Vector3(myPosition.X, myPosition.Y, myPosition.Z + (((float)f) / 10f));
//flame[f].Position = myPosition;
flame[f].LoadGraphicsContent(myDevice, myLoader);
flame[f].UseBasicRender = false;
flame2[f].Rotation = myRotation;
flame2[f].Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), MathHelper.Pi);
flame2[f].Position = new Vector3(myPosition.X, myPosition.Y, myPosition.Z - (((float)f) / 10f));
flame2[f].LoadGraphicsContent(myDevice, myLoader);
public void RenderChildren(GraphicsDevice myDevice)
CullMode cull = myDevice.RenderState.CullMode;
bool depthBuffer = myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable;
bool Zwrite = myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferWriteEnable;
bool AlphaEnable = myDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable;
BlendFunction blendOp = myDevice.RenderState.BlendFunction;
Blend srcBlend = myDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend;
Blend destblend = myDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend;
//if (cull != CullMode.None)
// myDevice.RenderState.CullMode = CullMode.None;
if (depthBuffer != true)
myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
if (Zwrite != true)
myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferWriteEnable = true;
if (AlphaEnable != true)
myDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
if (blendOp != BlendFunction.Add)
myDevice.RenderState.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Add;
if (srcBlend != Blend.One)
myDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.One;
if (destblend != Blend.One)
myDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.One;
if (RCCameraManager.ActiveCamera.Position != camerasLastPosition)
Vector3 tminusp = myPosition - RCCameraManager.ActiveCamera.Position;
float angle = (float)Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot(tminusp, Vector3.Forward));
//this.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), angle);
//this.Revolve(myPosition, new Vector3(0, 0, 1), angle);
camerasLastPosition = RCCameraManager.ActiveCamera.Position;
Effect effect = RCShaderManager.GetShader(myShader).Effect;
if (effect.Parameters["flameTexture"] != null)
if (effect.Parameters["ticks"] != null)
effect.Parameters["ticks"].SetValue(tick += animSpeed);
for (int f = 0; f < flameLayers; f++)
flame[f].Rotation = myRotation;
flame[f].Scaling = myScaling;
//flame[f].AnimationSpeed = animSpeed;
flame2[f].Rotation = myRotation;
flame2[f].Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), MathHelper.Pi);
flame2[f].Scaling = myScaling;
flame2[f].AnimationSpeed = animSpeed;
if (effect.Parameters["Index"] != null)
effect.Parameters["Index"].SetValue(flameOffset + (float)Convert.ToDouble(f) / 10);
if (cull != myDevice.RenderState.CullMode)
myDevice.RenderState.CullMode = cull;
if (depthBuffer != myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable)
myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = depthBuffer;
if (Zwrite != myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferWriteEnable)
myDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferWriteEnable = Zwrite;
if (AlphaEnable != myDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable)
myDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = AlphaEnable;
if (blendOp != myDevice.RenderState.BlendFunction)
myDevice.RenderState.BlendFunction = blendOp;
if (srcBlend != myDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend)
myDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend = srcBlend;
if (destblend != myDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend)
myDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend = destblend;

So using this class in my engine for the screen shot above I set it up like this.
RCLayeredFire fire = new RCLayeredFire("Content/Models/Plane", "Content/Textures/flame", 6, "f");
fire.Position = new Vector3(0, -9f, 54);
fire.Scaling = new Vector3(3, 1, 5);
fire.AnimationSpeed = 0.1f;
fire.FlameOffSet = .2f;
game.Scene.AddObject(fire, "f");
I have also found a bug (one of many) the mesh you are applying this to needs to have a texture with it or you will get a flame like this

As you can see there are a few bits of code commented out, this is because I am still working on this class, so little time, so much to do.
Flame.fxHere is the shader (thanks again NVIDIA)
string XFile <string UIWidget="None";> = "slices_10y.x";
string description = "3D Flame";
// Added by C.Humphrey
float Index
string UIWidget = "slider";
float UIMin = 0.0;
float UIMax = 1.0;
float UIStep = 0.1;
float Script : STANDARDSGLOBAL <
string UIWidget = "none";
string ScriptClass = "object";
string ScriptOrder = "standard";
string ScriptOutput = "color";
string Script = "Technique=ps20;";
> = 0.8;
float ticks : Time
string units = "sec";
string UIWidget="None";
/************* TWEAKABLES **************/
float noiseFreq
string UIWidget = "slider";
float UIMin = 0.0; float UIMax = 1.0; float UIStep = 0.01;
> = .10;
float noiseStrength
string UIWidget = "slider";
float UIMin = 0.0; float UIMax = 5.0; float UIStep = 0.01;
> = 1.0;
float timeScale
string UIWidget = "slider";
string UIName = "Speed";
float UIMin = 0.0; float UIMax = 1.0; float UIStep = 0.01;
> = 1.0;
float3 noiseScale = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
float3 noiseAnim = { 0.0, -0.1, 0.0 };
float4 flameColor <string UIName = "flame color"; string UIWidget="Color";> = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 };
float3 flameScale <string UIName = "flame scale";> = { 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 };
float3 flameTrans <string UIName = "flame offset";> = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
// Textures /////////////////
#define VOLUME_SIZE 32
texture noiseTexture
// string Name = "noiseL8_32x32x32.dds";
string ResourceType = "3D";
string function = "GenerateNoise1f";
texture flameTexture
string ResourceName = "flame.png";
string ResourceType = "2D";
// Vector-valued noise
float4 GenerateNoise4f(float3 Pos : POSITION) : COLOR
float4 c;
float3 P = Pos*VOLUME_SIZE;
c.r = noise(P);
c.g = noise(P + float3(11, 17, 23));
c.b = noise(P + float3(57, 93, 65));
c.a = noise(P + float3(77, 15, 111));
// return c*0.5+0.5;
return abs(c);
// Scalar noise
float GenerateNoise1f(float3 Pos : POSITION) : COLOR
float3 P = Pos*VOLUME_SIZE;
// return noise(P)*0.5+0.5;
return abs(noise(P));
// Tracked matricies
float4x4 wvp : WorldViewProjection <string UIWidget="WVP";>;
float4x4 world : World <string UIWidget="World";>;
// Structures
struct appdata {
float3 Position : POSITION;
float4 UV : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Tangent : TANGENT0;
float4 Binormal : BINORMAL0;
float4 Normal : NORMAL;
struct vertexOutput {
float4 HPosition : POSITION;
float3 NoisePos : TEXCOORD0;
float3 FlamePos : TEXCOORD1;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD2;
// Vertex shader
vertexOutput flameVS(appdata IN,
uniform float4x4 WorldViewProj,
uniform float4x4 World,
uniform float3 noiseScale,
uniform float noiseFreq,
uniform float3 noiseAnim,
uniform float3 flameScale,
uniform float3 flameTrans,
uniform float timeScale
vertexOutput OUT;
float4 objPos = float4(IN.Position.x,IN.Position.y,IN.Position.z,1.0);
float3 worldPos = mul(objPos, World).xyz;
OUT.HPosition = mul(objPos, WorldViewProj);
float time = fmod(ticks, 10.0); // avoid large texcoords
OUT.NoisePos = worldPos*noiseScale*noiseFreq + time*timeScale*noiseAnim;
OUT.FlamePos = worldPos*flameScale + flameTrans;
// Mod by C.Humphrey so flame can be anywhere in the scene.
IN.Position.y += Index;
OUT.FlamePos.xz = IN.Position.xy;
OUT.FlamePos.y = IN.Position.z;
// End Mod
return OUT;
// Pixel shaders
half4 noise3D(uniform sampler3D NoiseMap, float3 P)
//return tex3D(NoiseMap, P)*2-1;
return tex3D(NoiseMap, P);
half4 turbulence4(uniform sampler3D NoiseMap, float3 P)
half4 sum = noise3D(NoiseMap, P)*0.5 +
        noise3D(NoiseMap, P*2)*0.25 +
        noise3D(NoiseMap, P*4)*0.125 +
noise3D(NoiseMap, P*8)*0.0625;
return sum;
half4 flamePS(vertexOutput IN,
uniform sampler3D NoiseMap,
uniform sampler2D FlameTex,
uniform half noiseStrength,
uniform half4 flameColor
// return tex3D(NoiseMap,IN.NoisePos) * flameColor;
// return turbulence4(NoiseMap, IN.NoisePos) * flameColor;
half2 uv;
uv.x = length(IN.FlamePos.xz); // radial distance in XZ plane
uv.y = IN.FlamePos.y;
//uv.y += turbulence4(NoiseMap, IN.NoisePos) * noiseStrength;
uv.y += turbulence4(NoiseMap, IN.NoisePos) * noiseStrength / uv.x;
return tex2D(FlameTex, uv) * flameColor;
/********** SAMPLERS ********************************/
sampler3D noiseTextureSampler = sampler_state
Texture = <noiseTexture>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
sampler2D flameTextureSampler = sampler_state
Texture = <flameTexture>;
MinFilter = Linear;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
/********** TECHNIQUES ******************************/
technique ps20 <string Script = "Pass=p1d;";>
pass p1d <string Script = "Draw=geometry;";>
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 flameVS(wvp, world,noiseScale, noiseFreq, noiseAnim, flameScale, flameTrans, timeScale);
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 flamePS(noiseTextureSampler, flameTextureSampler, noiseStrength, flameColor);
/***************************** eof ***/
I suggest you don't use this code or shader as it is really not of much use in a 3D world. Once I have some spare time I will make this fully functional. I guess if nothing else you can have a play with the shader and learn from it...